Rockwell Park tenant and an important community member – Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank (WPADB) – announced a series of events to support mothers this May.
The WPADB is the only regional nonprofit organization dedicated to providing diapers to families in need, specifically those facing low-income or poverty levels. Additionally, they serve as a valuable resource, connecting families to other organizations that address various challenges they may encounter.
Through successful diaper drives organized by civic groups, businesses, churches, schools, and individuals, the WPADB is able to distribute diapers to families in the Western PA region.
As an affiliate of the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the WPADB works closely with the mission of ensuring that every baby in the United States can be clean, healthy, and dry.

May schedule:
Bingo for Babies: Mother's Day Edition
May 13th, 3:30 pm
Youngwood VFD , 104 S 2nd Street, Youngwood, PA 15697
Bingo for Babies: Mother's Day Edition supports the Mt. Pleasant Hub to support over 1,000 Westmoreland and Fayette families. Tickets are $35 in advance, $40 day of. Doors open at 3:30pm, Dinner at 4:00, and Bingo starts at 5:00pm.
White Valley AMVETS Breakfast
May 14th, 9am-noon
2100 Carolina St, Export, PA 15632
Take mom to a lovely Mother's Day breakfast at White Valley AMVETS benefitting Western PA Diaper Bank. RSVP by May 12 by calling 724-327-9919 after 3pm.
Pampered Chef
Online, Now-May 17th
By making a $35 or more purchase you are entered for a chance to win a stand mixer. A percentage of each purchase goes to Western PA Diaper Bank.
Mac Bid
Online, May 15th -May 22nd
Bid on 50 specialty items where all proceeds go to Western PA Diaper Bank. There are chances to win Western PA Diaper Bank merchandise.
For more information check wpadiaperbank.org